Homework refers to tasks given to students by their teachers to be completed outside of usual lessons.
Homework activities vary significantly, particularly between younger and older students, including but not limited to home reading activities, longer projects or essays and more directed and focused work such as revision for tests.Â
Our definition also includes activities such as âhomework clubsâ where students have the opportunity to complete homework in school but outside normal school hours, and âflipped learningâ models, where students prepare at home for classroom discussion and application tasks.Â
1. Homework has a positive impact on average (+ 5 months), particularly with students in secondary schools.
2. Some students may not have a quiet space for home learning â it is important for schools to consider how home learning can be supported (e.g. through providing homework clubs for students).
3. Homework that is linked to classroom work tends to be more effective. In particular, studies that included feedback on homework had higher impacts on learning.
4. It is important to make the purpose of homework clear to students (e.g. to increase a specific area of knowledge, or to develop fluency in a particular area).
The average impact of homework is positive across both primary and secondary school. There is, however variation behind this average with homework set in primary school having a smaller impact on average (see below).
The quality of the task set appears to be more important than the quantity of work required from the student. There is some evidence that the impact of homework diminishes as the amount of time students spend on it increases. The studies reviewed with the highest impacts set homework twice a week in a particular subject.
Evidence also suggests that how homework relates to learning during normal school time is important. In the most effective examples homework was an integral part of learning, rather than an add-on. To maximise impact, it also appears to be important that students are provided with high quality feedback on their work (see Feedback).
Studies from Aotearoa New Zealand have linked useful homework tasks with positive parental involvement in student learning, and emphasised the importance of teacher capability in providing homework tasks that are tailored and appropriate for diverse students.
Studies in secondary schools show greater impact (+5 months) than in primary schools (+3 months).
Similar positive effects are found for reading, mathematics and science.
Most homework set is individual, studies involving collaboration with peers have higher effects (+6 months), though the number of studies is small.
Studies involving digital technology typically have greater impact (+ 6 months).
Common homework activities noted in primary schools studies tend to be reading or practising spelling and number facts, but may also include more extended activities to develop inquiry skills or more directed and focused work such as revision for tests.
Setting homework in primary schools has a lower impact on average and has been studied far less than setting homework in secondary schools. Many of the same principles are likely to apply in a primary setting, such as carefully linking homework to classwork and considering the optimal amount of homework â which is likely to be less with younger students.
Common homework activities noted in secondary school studies include completing tasks assigned in lessons, preparing for tasks in future lessons, routine coursework, and revision for tests and examinations.
Setting homework in secondary schools has been studied much more than in primary school and has a positive impact on average.
Homework has an impact by enabling students to undertake independent learning to practice and consolidate skills, conduct in-depth inquiry, prepare for lessons or revise for exams. When implementing homework, the evidence suggests a wide variation in impact. Therefore, schools should consider the âactiveâ ingredients to the approach, which may include:
Teachers should seek to understand any barriers to completing homework - for example, a lack of access to a quiet space or learning materials - and aim to avoid approaches that use homework as a penalty for poor performance.
The average cost of homework is expected to be very low with the cost to schools largely based on teacher training and resources. Implementing homework will also require a small amount of staff time for planning and feedback.
Alongside time and cost, school leaders should consider how to maximise the effectiveness of homework through teacher professional development to promote the use of well-designed tasks to complement learning in the classroom and high-quality feedback to improve student learning. Schools should monitor the impact of different approaches to homework â such as the frequency, purpose and variety of tasks - on student engagement and achievement.
The security of the evidence around homework is rated as low. 43 studies were identified that meet the inclusion criteria of the Toolkit. The topic lost additional padlocks because:
As with any evidence review, the Toolkit summarises the average impact of approaches when researched in academic studies. It is important to consider your context and apply your professional judgement when implementing an approach in your setting.
Local research:
Alton-Lee, A. (2003) Quality teaching for diverse students in schooling: Best evidence synthesis iteration (BES).
Iglis, S. (2005). A two-way street: Homework in a social context.
Gledhill, A. (2015). Homework and continued learning at home: How should parents be involved? Journal of Initial Teacher Inquiry (1) 65-67.
Anthony, G., & Knight, G. (1999). Teaching for understanding and memory in Year 4 and 5 mathematics. A report prepared for the Ministry of Education. Massey University: Institute of Fundamental Sciences.